Package org.miv.jism.core

The Core Package. More...


class  AbstractPlugin
class  Args
class  ArgsSet
class  Console
class  JismClassLoader< T >
 The JisM Class Loader. More...
interface  JismContext
 Describe a context used in Jism. More...
class  JismError
class  JismException
class  JismImage2D
 A 2D Context implementation. More...
class  JismImage3D
 A 3D Context implementation. More...
class  JismKernel
 This is the JisM Kernel. More...
interface  JismPlugin
 Interface describing a JismPlugin. More...
interface  JismThreadablePlugin
 Extends the plugin description to create threadable plugins. More...
class  Neighborhood
 Pixel Neighborhood. More...
interface  Pixel
 Describe a pixel of a JismContext. More...
class  PluginClassLoader
 Loads JISM plugins. More...
class  ProgressHandler
 Describe progress of an action. More...
class  RandomGenerator
 Jism Random Generator. More...
class  SegmentedImage
 Describe a segmented image. More...

Detailed Description

The Core Package.

JisM is composed of a core and a plugin layer. There are also two others layers which can be used by core and plugins : the tools layer and the gui layer. The Core of JisM is the engine of the program: it is the place where threads are created, images are loaded, plugins are managed...

Guilhelm Savin

Generated on Fri Apr 18 10:49:00 2008 for JisM by  doxygen 1.5.3